Friday, December 21, 2007

Ah, the joys of a 2ww

Yup... let the madness begin. The insanity of the 2ww (two week wait for the uninitiated) is well upon me.

Every twinge, every sensation, every tiny thing could be "a sign". Yeah, right, 'cuz I'm absolutely sure that none of them could possibly be due to the fact that I had a foreign object inserted into my girlie bits mere days ago, or the fact that I'm still popping pills like a mad woman and stabbing myself in the ass every night with progesterone. Not a chance.

Oh, did I mention the mood swings? *laugh* Yup, that's the latest... add it to the list with the cramping (on and off), the exhaustion (did I mention I went to bed at 8 freakin' 30 on Wednesday night?), the mild nausea, the sore boobs, and the teensiest bit of colour to my CM today (OMG... is that implantation spotting?). I'm going to be such a joy to have around at Christmas ;)

Madness, I tells ya... madness! And the creative math has begun, too. My beta is set for New Years Eve. 14 days after the transfer. Oh, but the transfer was 3-day embies, so I could say that 14 DPO (days post ovulation) is the 28th, so I could test then. Oh, or... some people get a BFP at 10 DPO, so that would be Christmas Eve... so I could test then!

Madness!!!! Why do we do these things to ourselves?!?!?

So... maybe I'll pick up a 2-pack... test on Christmas Morning, just in case I can give D a good present ... and other than that I'll hold off 'til the blood work comes back. Yes, that's what I'll do. Definitely.

Oh who am I kidding? I'll be testing all next weekend, I'm sure. *laugh*

1 comment:

Love said...

Hi, i am form Indonesia...Good lucks