Thursday, December 27, 2007

I'm so proud of myself!

the 2ww is over on Monday... it's Thursday now, which means I've made it through more than a week of queasiness, fatigue, dizzy spells, funky tastes in my mouth, sore boobs, middle-of-the-night pee-breaks, unexpected food aversions, etc.... and I HAVEN'T TESTED!

Yay me!

Of course, having written that, I do have every intention of doing one "oh, what the heck" test tomorrow morning (which would be 11 days after the transfer of 2 3-day embies... so arguably the equivalent of 14 DPO... or the day most people who're actively trying test ;) )... I don't expect much, though.

Truth be told, I don't expect much on Monday, either. But I guess we'll see soon enough!

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