Monday, December 3, 2007

Here we go again!

So… yesterday AF (Aunt Flo… the red tide… pick your preferred euphamism) started right on schedule. I guess I should count myself lucky that my first cycle post-miscarriage was ‘normal’. I should especially count myself lucky on that point since my RE (reproductive endocrinologist, for the uninitiated) is going on mat-leave (yeah… ‘cuz that’s not a kick in the face every time I go to the clinic) at the end of January and I really don’t cherish any particular warm feelings for either of the docs who’d be picking up her patients for the 3 months she’ll be gone. Ergo (there’s that grade 12 dead language cropping up… I feel the need to get some value for it every so often), I wanted to get our next kick at the can out of the way before she left.

So… that brings us to today. Today was CD2… which means I dragged my butt out of bed at the crack of dawn to trek to the clinic before work. Who am I kidding… Dawn was nowhere near cracking when I crawled out of bed. But off I took myself to the commuter train at 6:14 to get to my clinic for 7:10 (they open at 7:00, but I can never make it there by public transit for 7:00 unless everything times out exactly perfectly… which we all know it never does). Signed all the requisite clipboards (my clinic has clipboards for u/s, to see the doctor (one for each doc), regular bloodwork, and betas), and waited until my name was called by each of 3 people.

Got my blood drawn. For once, they found a vein in my arm and didn’t have to dig too deep or take from my hand. It took a bit longer than usual, but the blood techs were having a pretty quiet moment when I was at that point.

Then off to u/s, where for some reason they were rushed off their feet this morning. Odd, since they generally only do u/s on the same days as blood work… but maybe there were a lot of early pregnancy gals in this morning. The clinic likes to do first trimester monitoring before referring to an OB… makes sense, and really, the success stories are gone before they start to show and cause stress for us less successful folk. Waited quite a while for the u/s and then it was done by a woman who is lovely to talk to, but a bit heavy-handed with the wand. Ouch.

Then out to the waiting room again (after putting the clothes back on, obviously) to wait for my doc. And wait. And wait. I was done with blood & u/s by 7:45 and then had to wait a full hour for my doc. But… barring any bizzarro results from my blood-work, we’re good to go on our FET cycle.

So, starting today… 12 mg Estrace per day (2 tablets per dose, 3 times daily)… plus one low-dose Aspirin daily… and back in to see how things are going next Wednesday. If all looks good, we’re probably looking at a transfer around the 17th. So now I get to try to schedule all my December things around needing time off that week. Fun.

I’m not sure how I feel about it. If the transfer takes place on the 17th, then the beta will be New Years Eve. Could make for a very special, or very horrible NYE depending on the results… and then potentially starts the nervousness, too.

Guess we’ll see, won’t we?

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