Wednesday, March 12, 2008

2 p.m. is really far too late for breakfast….

Well… the retrieval’s done! Finally!!

Here’s an idea how our Tuesday played out after my last post.

I woke DH up at about 7:30 because my mother was kind enough to drive us and was picking us up at 9:15. He ate… I looked longingly at his bagel. I told my stomach to shut up. This was something that happened frequently on Tuesday… me telling my stomach to shut up.

Mom picked us up and we headed off downtown. DH and I were supposed to be in the IVF suite for 10:45, but we got there at 10:30. We were shown into a room with a door (instead of the curtained cubicles we’ve been in before) and I changed into my gowns and checked out the new heated massage recliner they just bought a whole slew of (good to see that my fees are being put to good use *laugh* Although… it was a very comfortable chair after the retrieval was finally done).

DH went off to party with his little cup and the nurse came in to give me my IV. Luckily, she didn’t have too much difficulty finding a vein… unfortunately it still hurts, and I expect to have a bruise to match the one from Saturday’s blood draw. Oh well… at least my hands will match. Oddly appropriate to have wounded hands coming up to Easter, I suppose *laugh* (I’m going straight to hell for that one, I’m sure ;) )

Anyway… they finally brought me into the OR (thank goodness, I was mere seconds away from pouncing on the plate of nibbles that was waiting for me)… got me up on the ‘table’ and hooked me up to the oxygen meter and blood pressure. Took my blood pressure 3 times before the nurse saw numbers she was happy with (I have a bit of the “white coat syndrome”… I don’t trust doctors, so medical situations tend to make me a wee bit stressed). They gave me the first dose of the loopy juice. I think it was a different cocktail this time than last time… I felt sleepy pretty quickly, but was coming back around when they gave me dose #2. Of course, I was wide awake at 12:15 when the doc still wasn’t there yet. Le Sigh. So… when he showed up, they knocked me down pretty hard. I have no idea how much I got this time, but I’m pretty darn sure it was more than last time. I only remember snippets of the retrieval.

I remember 3 nurses, the doc, and the u/s tech clustered around me and thinking “Damn, it’s a good thing DH decided not to be in the OR for this… there’s nowhere for him!”

I remember a few stabs of pain

I remember looking at the screen at one point to see the eggs and seeing a wash of red. And then another. And then it cleared.

And I remember hearing “there were 2 in that one!”

Once they were done, I was helped out to our recovery room and plunked in the wonder-chair… hot water bottle clutched to my belly… covered in a blanket… chair turned on. I think I dozed for a bit, but I’m not 100% sure (see previous comment about how much loopy juice I got this time!). Finally felt up to having some food… 8 saltines, 2 “bear paw” cookies, and a Del Monte fruit punch pouch later I was feeling almost human again. So my IV and I went for a trip to the washroom to “try to pee”. Success! So they unhooked my IV (1.5 L of fluids after they started it… I guess I was “thirsty” *laugh*) and sent me on my merry way.

Our final count was 15… so either I had a few ‘doubles’, or some were hiding at my last u/s on Sunday, because there sure weren’t 15 then! *laugh*

I felt bad for the folks who were sitting waiting for their own procedures… we didn’t get out of there until 2:00, so even if I spent an hour in recovery things were already stacked up pretty far behind me :(

I was feeling pretty battered inside, and was moving very carefully. Thank goodness I came prepared for spotting, too (pure fluke I had a pad in my purse), because that wash of red was still making its way out. Blah.

We stopped at Wendy’s on the way home… Mmmm… grilled chicken sandwhich… breakfast of champions. But really, 2:00 p.m. is too late for breakfast.

I fell asleep in the car again about half-way home, and I was looking more corpse-like than usual by the time I made my way upstairs at 3:00 to crawl into bed for 3 hours sleep (give or take). Had an early night, too… and this morning I’m feeling almost “normal” again.

Now I wait for the clinic to call and tell me how many fertilized and other such fun.

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