Wednesday, March 19, 2008

d5p3dt - I spoke too soon...

.. about not bruising from the Fragmin. Silly me forgot that yesterday was my first day wearing regular pants AND sitting in a regular chair all day... silly me also forgot that said regular pants (or jeans, or the belt I wear with my work pants) create certain abdominal pressure points... silly me also forgot that these pressure points line up with my preferred local for these injections... just below the belly button all the way across. Le Sigh. So... I am now the proud owner of one large-ish and one small very black bruises.

In other fun... I apparently nicked a blood vessle when jabbing myself for my progesterone shot last night and illustrated that yes, the blood thinners are actually working. I said to DH as I lifted the alcohol swap after about 10 seconds of post-injection pressure "looks like I've got a gusher"... and sure enough, he slapped a band-aid on (we often do that if it's an active bleeder just to save my sanity... and my clothes) and it was soaked through in about 3 seconds. Yup... when I said gusher... I meant gusher. So he sprinted for a tissue which I held over the band-aid and I lay down on my tummy on the bed while he sorted out finding a bigger bain-aid. Of course, after about 90 seconds of additional pressure and lying down, by the time he had the old band-aid off and the new one un-wrapped it had stopped bleeding. I do, however, expect a pretty bruise there, too.

And tonight he's not home, so I get to do my own progesterone injection. Luckily it's on my right side tonight and I'm right-handed, so it should be easy enough (all things considered).

1 comment:

Emily said...

Good luck with your projesterone injection!!!