Sunday, March 30, 2008

A little bit more...

Today's beta number was much better.... 29. More than triple Friday's... that's a doubling rate of 28.4 hours.

For anyone who might be reading and has no idea what I'm talking about... the quantitative blood pregnancy test is a beta hCG test (beta, for short)... they test to see how much hCG is present. For a viable pregnancy (not miscarrying and not ectopic), they look for this number to roughly double every 48-72 hours.

So... officially, we're pregnant! 4w5d. But... we're gonna be cautious with this. Last time the numbers tripled for the first few betas, then doubled, then dropped and I miscarried at 5w3d. And the numbers are starting lower this time than they did then, too.

And just to confuse things, most of my 'symptoms' have gone, apart from being tired and feeling constantly either hungry, gassy, or queasy (my tummy's not happy... but I'll take it!)

Next beta is on Tuesday, and they'll probably have me in every couple of days until the number's high enough for them to think they might see something on an u/s (should be around 6.5 weeks, give or take)... or until the number goes backwards.

Keeping everything crossed!


Pam said...

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the number keeps going up. Congrats!

LadyofAvalon56 said...

Woo-hooo! Hope those numbers keep going up, up, UP!