Monday, March 3, 2008

IVF Cycle Day 4 (“real” cycle day 6)

Ok, so the title may be confusing… so I’ll clear that up first. The paperwork I got from the clinic said to count the first day of stims as IVF Cycle Day 1. AF (or a vague facsimile) showed up two days before I started stims. So, IVF Cycle Day 4, “real” cycle day 6. Thankfully, AF didn’t stick around long, so today wasn’t as unpleasant for all concerned as it might have been (getting a wand shoved up there is unpleasant enough without putting blood in the mix).

So… went for blood work. As was the case last time, they couldn’t find a vein in either elbow, so they went for the back of the hand. Also as was the case last time, they tried one hand with the butterfly thingy, and as was the cast last time, it didn’t work. At all. Not one drop collected. So on to the other hand. So much fun wandering around after the fact with a wad of cotton taped to the back of each hand… especially when everyone else in the place has theirs in the crook of their elbow, covered by their sleeves. Le Sigh.

On to the u/s. I hate the tech who did mine today. She butchers names on a regular basis, she can’t be heard, and she’s rough. Blah. But, eventually it was over and I got to wait for the doc. Today’s student on-site was a nursing student. It was hilarious to hear the head nurse tell her how to read the charts and what all they entailed. “And this one with the yellow page… this will really blow your mind!” This from a woman rapidly approaching retirement…. Too funny.

Went in to see the doc… he seemed really happy with my ‘progress’… after 3 days of stims (on clinic days I give myself my Lupron at home, but they give me my stims at the clinic), I have 10 follicles developing nicely (13 according to the nurse who gave me my shot later, though). I was told to drink 1L of Gatorade per day, and increase my salt and protein intake. That was a little surprising, but hey, if it gets me knocked up, I’ll do my darndest to make it happen! The Gatorade and protein probably won’t be a problem (I like Gatorade… and I’m a carnivore)… the salt might be a challenge.

Off I went to see a nurse, to get jabbed, and get my next batch of meds. Dosages are staying the same (Bravelle 225 iu and Repronex 75 iu morning and evening). Nice to know I’m not the only one complaining of the Bravelle stinging way more than anything else I’ve had the joy of injecting (Gonal-F, Lupron, Progesterone in oil… or the Repronex that went with the Gonal… hence the deduction that it was the Bravelle stinging like a mo-fo).

Now we wait and see how things are going when I’m back at the clinic Thursday morning! Not sure how it’ll go, but I do know that the first thing I’m gonna do is tell the blood tech that if she can’t find a vein in my arm, to jump straight to the smallest needled syringe they have! ;)

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