Monday, April 14, 2008


So... today is a limbo day. No bloodwork scheduled. Not time for the u/s yet. But someone's definitely trying to send me signs.

Yesterday was a revisiting day. As in, everything I ate revisited at least a little. Blah. Burping like crazy... and lots of burps with 'prizes'... but I managed to not puke. The 'prizes' started overnight on Saturday night, when one actually woke me up and set me scrambling for the "puke bucket" that DH was kind enough to put beside the bet "just in case".

Last night... yet another dream about our child. No sign of the babe in person, but yet another reference to a little girl. Oddly enough, in a card from my paternal grandmother who's been dead for over 11 years (actually, the first miscarriage was confirmed on the 11th anniversary of her death). Very odd. DH has taken to asking me first thing in the morning if I've had another baby dream... this is 4 nights running... and all of them indicate a girl. I think he's laughing at me. I, on the other hand, am starting to get a little freaked out by it... I blame my wacky Irish blood and a maternal side of the family rife with strange co-incidences, visions, and the like. Here's hoping it's all good signs.

This morning I woke up and felt decent, in spite of having been awake for a half hour at about 1:15 a.m.... until I rolled over and immediately had to roll back and dive for the bucket. Le Sigh. No spew, thankfully, but it was touch and go for a while. Even once it passed I discovered I had to stay verticle or things took a turn back again (my poor cat looked so confused 'cuz I bent over to kiss his head as I normally do in the morning and immediately shot right back up again and made some very odd noises... and he didn't get his peck on the head... likewise putting on socks went badly on the first attempt).

I'm nervous about tomorrow morning. I mean, I'm excited because it SHOULD give us some indication of what's going on, which'll be nice for the brain... but I'm nervous that it won't show us what we hope... that it'll show some kind of problem. Yup... still paranoid.

1 comment:

Emily said...

I'm so sorry you have to go through this! You do not deserve to be worried all the time! Good luck with your u/s, and I hope your little one is doing just fine.